The Helmholtz research program NACIP covers issues of fundamental research into information processing concepts and principles, as well as the engineering and the development of components where novel concepts are incorporated into new software and computer architectures. Our model systems range from physical properties of quantum materials, to novel chip devices and systems, to cells and organisms, and even to human patients with brain disorders. We use nature’s evolved blueprint for the development of new physics-based solutions, such as neuromorphic devices or neural networks, and we also investigate whether engineered biosystems can be used not only to study biological information processing but also to serve as hardware components of bio-based computers. In parallel, the avenues offered by quantum effects will be explored to realize radically new concepts for computing and communication.
In addition to KIT, the Forschungzentrum Jülich (FZJ) and the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB) contribute to the program.
KIT Institutes
Topic 1
Topic 2
- Institute of Nanotechnology (INT)
- Institute for Data Processing and Electronics (IPE)
- Institute for Quantum Materials and Technologies (IQMT)
Topic 4
- Institute for Automation and Applied Informatics (IAI)
- Institute for Biological and Chemical Systems - Biological Information Processing (IBCS-BIP)
- Institute for Biological Interfaces 2 - Molecular Biophysics (IBG-2)
- Institute of Microstructure Technology (IMT)
- Institute for Technical Chemistry (ITC)